I'm 30 hours into the challenge (I started at 4pm Friday) and my stats thus far are:

7 hours 10 minutes reading
1 hour reviewing
30 minutes checking out other participants' blogs and reviews
2 books completed

Total thus far: 8 hours 40 minutes. I'm hoping to hit somewhere in the 15-20 hour range so tomorrow should be busy. I should get another hour or so in before I fall sleep though, which will help.

Best of luck to all involved! :)
6/4/2011 10:08:08 pm

Sounds like you've set a good goal for yourself and pulled together some great titles to start! Good luck and happy reading!

6/5/2011 12:21:34 am

Thanks for the encouragement. At this point it's going to be a push to get to 15 hours but I'd love to get there! :)


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